You should expect to get accurate and clear information about the cognitive behavioral therapy approach in your first appointment. This information will help you develop an accurate and clear understanding of CBT so that you can decide whether or not to receive your treatment here. If you decide to receive your treatment here, you will be actively involved in therapy, from setting goals to designing interventions … [Read more...]
Depression and anxiety are the most common psychological disorders. These disorders affect us all. Not only they affect our daily functioning at work, in school, and relationally, but they also create financial burden through decreased productivity and treatment cost. Find out what the symptoms of anxiety and depression are. Depression Depression is the fourth-ranked cause of disability and premature death … [Read more...]
Committing to Change
Depression and anxiety create enough disruption in our life to motivate us to seek help. Simply wanting relief from emotional pain, however motivating, is not enough. You need to make a conscious decision to commit to change. The commitment to change is a significant component of any effective treatment, including CBT. Changing the way we feel, think, and behave is very difficult. But in order to overcome … [Read more...]
What is CBT?
CBT treatment is different from long-term psychotherapies such as psychodynamic treatment. The relationship between therapist and patient is collaborative, the treatment goals are clear, and the process offers cognitive and behavioral strategies designed to accomplish treatment goals. In the CBT model, the treatment focuses on both cognition and behavior to alleviate emotional pain. Different aspects of cognition … [Read more...]
Welcome to Boston Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Center™. This center provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an empirically supported approach used by many clinicians across the world to treat psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. CBT has proven effective not only in treating these disorders but also in preventing relapse, common for both depression and anxiety disorders. CBT focuses … [Read more...]